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New approach for attaching expression and crescendo pedals

(June 27, 2011)

From now on, all 2- and 3-keyboard stacks will use a simpler and more flexible method for attaching expression and crescendo pedals.

Previously, either a single or double pedal could be attached, but only after being specially wired to a 9-pin D connector which mated with a compatible connector on the base of the stack. 

Under the new system, two 1/4 " jack sockets will be provided on the rear panel of the stack,  each of which will take a standard keyboard expression pedal. Instead of pedals needing to be specially prepared, standard off-the-shelf pedals can be used.   The only limitation is that the pedals must be the type intended for keyboard use, fitted with with a 3-segment ("stereo") jack plug. Pedals intended for "in-line" use  and having a 2-segment jack plug will not work (though it may be possible to re-wire them).

Pedalboards made or "midified" by us will also have the facility to connect up to two pedals, so that a pedalboard and keyboard stack between them will accommodate up to 4 expression/crescendo pedals with maximum flexibility. Stacks with additional sockets can be made by arrangement.

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